martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

EU-Parlament: Zell- und Gewebespenden nicht kommerzialisieren

The plenary session of the European Parliament adopted by 551 votes to 14, with 81 abstentions, a ban of financial incentives for cell donation: also sperm and egg. Only a cost replacement for lost work time and other expenses should be allowed. Basically, this is already in place in Spain since 1985. The problem is centered about the anonymity. The EU has a strict aim of banning the donors anonymity.
This was realized in England many years ago. The result has been disastrous. Hence, in England there are almost no more fresh or frozen donor eggs. Nobody wants to get into the risk of being outed. This risk has compensated by money. It benefits no one, if the pure doctrine is guideline, but donation is not longer available for all and everybody has to travel abroad. Another problem is that: in countries with high wage level, the cost reimbursement is not sufficient enough to motivate young women, for this there is a serious interference with their physical integrity, including all the related emotional stress. For Spain, on the contrary with its relatively low wages, may be enough.

This must be separated with organ donations that serve the preservation of life and, those that create a new life. Much higher is the concern of top healthy gamete donors. No question, if you're not a pay deceased organ donor and his descendants. Or, possibly, even the executive organ donation, the donor organizations and their doctors.

In the gametes cells (i.e., egg and sperm) which produce the genetic offspring of a donor, their personal involvement is much higher and for that also be reimbursed. Because it can have clear adversely affect on health and in social coexistence for donors during their ongoing life. Mr. Liege, a German politician in Brussels, who has sometimes shown an interest in the health and well-being (and proposed this Act in the Parliament), and he simply has not thought enough.
If the EU continues on this wrong path, both remove the anonymity from prohibiting the compensation for services, and on the correction of a completely out of control current demographic structure, this service will move to non-European regions. In that way, such as in Spain, the legal certainty will be lost, and it becomes more expensive. In any case, the rich will certainly get some benefit from this method.
What is lacking in the political process of sufficient research and consulting. There is another example of the increasingly poor quality of political work. Spain can be proud of its parliament that in 1985 approved the current reproductive law, shortly after the end of dictatorship.
In any case and in any time, the Geniplet Group can already offer outside the EU, egg and sperm donation with the usual high quality without being exposed to the European regulatory frenzy. We are committed exclusively to the quality in the interest of our patients and our overarching ethical principles. Of course, we strictly observe the legal regulations of the different countries, although they might be nonsensical.

Medical Director
Geniplet Palma Reproductive Clinic

Das Plenum des Europäischen Parlaments hat mit 551 gegen 15 Stimmen bei 81 Enthaltungen ein Verbot der Zellspende, auch Samen und Eizellen, gegen Honorar empfohlen. Es soll lediglich ein Kostenersatz für entgangene Arbeitszeit und sonstige Unkosten zulässig sein.
Im Grunde ist dies in Spanien bereits so eingeführt.
Das Problem liegt aber in der Anonymität. Die EU hat das strikte Ziel, die Anonymität der Spende zu verbieten. Dies wurde in England vor vielen Jahren verwirklicht. Die Folge davon ist fatal. Es gibt in England seither fast keine frischen Eizellspenden mehr. Niemand will sich in die Gefahr bringen, geoutet zu werden. Dieses Risiko muss erkauft werden. Es nützt niemandem, wenn zwar die reine Lehre verfolgt wird, die Spende aber damit nicht mehr verfügbar wird und nahezu alle, die sie benötigen, ins Ausland reisen müssen. 

Ein weiteres Problem ist, dass in Ländern mit hohem Lohn-Niveau ein reiner Kostenersatz nicht ausreicht, um genügend junge Frauen zu diesem schweren Eingriff in ihre körperliche Integrität samt all den damit zusammenhängenden emotionalen Belastungen, zu motivieren. Für Spanien mit seinen relativ niedrigen Löhnen mag das ausreichen.

Es muss auch strikt getrennt werden zwischen Organ - Spenden, welche dem Erhalt von bestehendem Leben dienen , und solchen Spenden, welche neues Leben erzeugen. Ungleich höher ist die Betroffenheit der ja top - gesunden Gametenspender. Keine Frage, dass man einen verstorbenen Organspender und seine Nachfahren nicht bezahlen soll. Möglicherweise auch nicht die ausführenden Organe einer Organspende, Organisationen und Ärzte. 
Bei Gameten, Eizellen und Samenzellen, welche genetische Nachkommen der Spender erzeugen, ist die persönliche Betroffenheit der Spender ungleich höher und damit auch zu vergüten. Denn selbstverständlich können sich nachteilige Auswirkungen gesundheitlich und auch im sozialen Zusammenleben für die Spender ergeben. Herr Liese, ansonsten ein kenntnisreicher guter Gesundheitspolitiker aus Deutschland in Brüssel, hat hier einfach nicht zu Ende gedacht.
Falls die EU also auf diesem falschen Weg weiter voranschreitet, sowohl die Anonymität aufzuheben als auch die Entschädigung für den Dienst an der Korrektur einer völlig aus dem Ruder laufenden demographischen Struktur zu verbieten, wird sich dieser Service ins aussereuropäische Umland verlagern. Damit geht die Rechtssicherheit wie z.B. in Spanien verloren, es wird teurer und die Methode steht nur mehr den leistungsfähigeren Bevölkerungsschichten zur Verfügung.
Hier fehlt es im politischen Prozess an ausreichender Recherche und Beratung. Ein weiteres Beispiel für die zunehmend schlechtere Qualität politischer Arbeit. Spanien kann stolz sein auf sein Parlament welches das aktuelle Reproduktions-Gesetz 1985, kurz nach Ende der Diktatur, auf den Weg gebracht hat.
GENIPLET jedenfalls hat sich darauf eingerichtet und kann bereits jetzt  jederzeit auch ausserhalb der EU Eizellspenden und Samenspenden mit der gewohnt hohen Qualität anbieten ohne der Europäischen Regelungswut ausgesetzt zu sein. Wir sind ausschliesslich der Qualität im Interesse unserer Patienten und unseren übergeordneten ethischen Grundsätzen verpflichtet. Selbstverständlich beachten wir die gesetzlichen Regelungen in den einzelnen Ländern streng, so unsinnig sie auch sein mögen.

Medical Director
Geniplet Palma Reproductive Clinic

La sessione plenaria del Parlamento europeo ha approvato con 551 voti favorevoli contro 14, e 81 astensioni, il divieto di incentivi finanziari per la donazione di cellule: sperma e uova. Potranno essere consentiti solamente i costi per il lavoro perso e altre spese affini. In pratica, tutto ciò è già in vigore in Spagna dal 1985. Tuttavia, il punto focale riguarda l'anonimato. L'Unione Europea ha come chiaro obiettivo vietare l’anonimato per i donatori.
Questo è stato effettuato in Inghilterra molti anni fa e il risultato è stato disastroso. Infatti, in Inghilterra non ci sono quasi più ovuli freschi o surgelati. Nessuno vuole correre il rischio di uscire dall’anonimato ed è per questo, che il rischio dovrebbe essere compensato in denaro. Non giova a nessuno, se la pura teoria verrà usata come linea guida, di certo, la donazione non sarà più accessibile a tutti e quindi si dovrà viaggiare all'estero. Un altro problema è che nei Paesi con un alto tasso salariale, il rimborso dei costi non è sufficiente a motivare le giovani donne, dato che questo processo implica una grave interferenca nella loro integrità fisica, e un correlato forte stress emotivo. Al contrario in Spagna, con i suoi salari relativamente bassi, il rimborso dei costi potrebbe essere sufficiente.
Si devono tenere separate dalle donazioni di organi, quelle che servono a preservare a vita da quelle che servono a crearne una nuova. Maggiore poi è la preoccupazione per i donatori sani di gameti. Non c’è nessuna alternativa, se non sei un donatore (pagante) di organi deceduto o uno dei suoi discendenti. O, possibilmente, nemmeno la donazione di organizi esecutiva, le organizzazioni di donatori e relativi medici.
Se l'Unione Europea continuerà su questa strada sbagliata, togliendo l'anonimato per i donatori e vietando la compensazione il servizio, per correggere l’attuale struttura demografica completamente fuori controllo, questo tipo di servizio si sposterà verso aree non europee. In questo modo, come ad esempio per la Spagna, la certezza del diritto verrà perduta, e il tutto diventerà più costoso. In ogni caso, le persone ricche saranno certamente le uniche che otterranno qualche beneficio da questa situazione.
Quello che manca nel processo politico è una ricerca e una consulenza adeguata. Questo è un altro esempio della sempre peggiore qualità del lavoro politico. La Spagna può essere orgogliosa del proprio parlamento che nel 1985, poco dopo la fine della dittatura, approvò la sua attuale legge sulla riproduzione.In ogni caso e in qualsiasi momento, il Gruppo Geniplet può già offrire, al di fuori dell'UE, la donazione di ovuli e di sperma con la sua consueta ed elevata qualità senza essere esposto alla frenesia normativa europea. Ci dedichiamo esclusivamente alla ricerca della qualità nell'interesse dei nostri pazienti e rispettanto i nostri solidi principi etici. Naturalmente, osserviamo pedisequamente le disposizioni normative dei diversi Paesi, anche se potrebbero essere prive di senso.
Nelle cellule di gameti (cioè, uova e sperma) che portano alla nascita la prole genetica di un donatore, il loro coinvolgimento personale è molto più alto e anche per questo lo sarà anche il rimborso. Perché potrebbe avere un chiaro effetto negativo sulla loro salute e può coesistere socialmente con i donatori durante il corso della loro vita. Il sig. Liese, un politico tedesco a Bruxelles, che ha altre volte mostrato un interesse per la salute e il benessere (e ha proposto questo al in Parlamento), semplicemente non ci ha riflettuto abbastanza.

Medical Director
Geniplet Palma Reproductive Clinic

sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2012

Found a new pregnancy hormone

Maternal pregnancy hormone HCG - possible marker for susceptibility

A breakthrough discovery in Leipzig: Source for HCG is not only the trophoblast of the embryo, but also the maternal endometrium. Both forms are encoded by different genes and are distinguishable.

This has several practical implications for the treatment of infertility. On the one hand this could be an explanation for the so-called biochemical pregnancies. I.e. volatile HCG - increases with decrease in the zero-field after a few days. This comes because the usual HCG tests measure the different versions of HCG both together. This is therefore probably not an early miscarriage, but a particularly strong HCG-producing endometrium in this cycle, despite there was no implantation. From this we can conclude that the embryo may have been in these cases even the reason for the failure, eg by aneuploidy.
The other important consequence of the discovery of the mother's HCG would be to take with regard to the optimal timing of implantation. If there are correlations between the receptivity of the endometrium and its HCG production we could perhaps be more accurately determining the implantation - window. We already know that this will not put up equally among all women. Only there are no reliable methods for the determination of this time window. Perhaps the endometrial HCG is a key to it. Further research to go.
Because we feel the ongoing research underestimated and for many years completely ignored we have invited  Prof. Alexander to the 5th NESA – Congress.

Mütterliches Schwangerschaftshormon - möglicher Marker für die Empfänglichkeit

Eine bahnbrechende Entdeckung aus Leipzig: Quelle für HCG ist nicht nur der Trophoblast des Embryo, sondern auch das mütterliche Endometrium. Beide Formen werden durch verschiedene Gen-Abschnitte kodiert und sind unterscheidbar.

Daraus ergeben sich mehrere praktische Folgen für die Sterilitätsbehandlung. Einerseits könnte dies eine Erklärung für die sogenannten biochemischen Schwangerschaften sein. D.h. flüchtige HCG - Erhöhungen mit Abfall in den Null-Bereich nach wenigen Tagen. Denn die üblichen HCG-Teste messen beide unterschiedlichen Varianten des HCG zusammen. Es könnte sich hierbei also nicht um einen sehr frühen Abort, sondern um ein besoneders stark HCG-produzierendes Endometrium in diesem Zyklus handeln, ohne dass es zu einer Einnistung gekommen ist. Daraus kann man schlussfolgern, dass möglicherweise der Embryo in diesen Fällen selbst den Grund für den Fehlschlag gegeben hat, z.B. durch Aneuploidien.
Die andere wichtige Konsequenz aus der Entdeckung des mütterlichen HCG wäre zu ziehen hinsichtlich des optimalen Implantationszeitpunkts. Falls es Zusammenhänge gibt zwischen der Empfänglichkeit des Endometriums und seiner HCG-Produktion liesse sich möglicherweise das Imlantationsfenster genauer bestimmen. Bereits heute wissen wir dass dies nicht bei allen Frauen gleichermassen aufgemacht wird. Nur gibt es noch keine verlässlichen Bestimmungsmethoden für dieses Zeitfenster. Vielleicht ist das endometrielle HCG ein Schlüssel dazu. Weitere Forschungen dazu sind unterwegs.
Weil wir diese seit vielen Jahren laufenden Forschungen als völlig unterbewertet und nicht beachtet hieltenn haben wir Herrn Prof. Alexander zum 5. NESA - Kongress nach Palma eingeladen .

martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012

Italian ban on embryo screening violated couple's rights

Rosie Beauchamp
Progress Educational Trust
[BioNews, London]

Italy has violated the rights of a couple carrying cystic fibrosis by preventing them from screening embryos using PGD, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has ruled. The Strasbourg-based court ordered the Italian Government to pay the couple €17,500 in damages and expenses.
Rosetta Costa and Walter Pavan found out that they were both healthy carriers of cystic fibrosis when they gave birth to a daughter with the condition in 2006. In 2010, the couple terminated another pregnancy on medical grounds when the fetus was found to have cystic fibrosis.
The couple decided to have a second child using IVF with the intention of screening the embryos} using PGD to select an embryo without the condition. However, Italy is one of the few European countries, along with Austria and Switzerland, which prohibits the technique. The couple argued this prohibition interfered with their right to respect for their private and family life under the European Convention on Human Rights.
Italy argues that its laws protect the health of women and children and discourage deliberate 'eugenic abuse'. However, the ECtHR ruled that the privacy rights of the couple trump that concern. The Court also said that the case highlights 'the incoherence of the Italian legislative system that bans the implantation of only healthy embryos while allowing the abortion of fetuses with genetic conditions'.
The law 'only gives the plaintiffs one option, full of anxiety and suffering', it said.
The Italian Government said on Wednesday that it was likely to appeal the ruling. However, Antonio Di Pietro, head of an opposition party, Italy of Values, said that Italy needed a new law that 'gives the right to have preliminary genetic analysis of an embryo not just for sterile couples but also to fertile couples suffering from hereditary diseases such as sickle cell anaemia and cystic fibrosis'.
The case is Costa and Pavan v. Italy (application no. 54270/10).

lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2012

Speech topics of Dr. Peter E.Hermann, GENIPLET - in NESA International Surgicial Conference, - Palma de Mallorca


Dr. Peter Hermann MD
While the world is becoming complex, new groups that were not accepted and that were facing suppression before are gaining their rights. Following this process we are confronted with the resulting questions concerning reproduction.

There are countries where even basic treatment modalities such as egg donation are no issue. This includes the German-speaking countries. We at Geniplet Group have been confronted for many years with many additional requirements. Besides classical egg donation, the issues we confront are:
  • How do we treat women without a uterus who desire pregnancy through surrogacy?
  • How should we respond to requests of singles without a partner who are "running out of time"?
  • How can we help couples over 40 and 50 in second and third relationships that consult us for infertility and are in good health (a typical problem in Switzerland)?
  • Same-gender couples and their constitutionally guaranteed rights for equal treatment 
  • Should we help transsexuals?
  • What do we do with sex-linked abnormalities at the time when we can offer an ethically acceptable pre-conception sperm selection?

New diagnostic methods make it possible to preserve fertility even with diminished ovarian reserve when diagnosed at young age. Identical the situation of the men knowing that the older than 40 will have an increasing number of mutations with psychological and psychiatric risks to the child as a consequence. Decisions are made which influence future profession and career. But these procedures also allow to preserve healthy gametes for a further use. This means at the end a desynchronization of chronologic age and gamete quality which helps to prolong the fertile phase.
We will try to answer these questions while functioning in the context of a substantial loss of tension between ethical and sectarian beliefs in the Western world and aggressively roaring archaic rule claim on our doorstep.

sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2012

GENIPLET in 5th NESA International Surgicial Conference

Geniplet in NESA Congress

Palma de Mallorca, 13-15 September,2012 at Gran Hotel Melía Victoria

We are co-founders of the NESA (New European Surgical Academy). This organization was founded in 2004 in Berlin. Founder and driving force is our Member of the Scientific Board, Prof. Michael Stark.
To celebrate the completion of our hospital in Palma (Geniplet Palma Reproductive Clinic) Mallorca was a selected as destination for the 5th Annual congress.
13th to 15th of August  2012 there gathered approximately 220 participants from the whole world, from 26 countries, and 14 invited speakers on the latest advances in the field of robotics, obstetrics, surgical gynecology and reproductive medicine.
The event was  supported by the Geniplet AG. The conference papers will be bublished in Geniplet - blog.

Sponsored by: GENIPLETOur presentation did discuss borderline cases of ART. This is the core competence of Geniplet; For every problem to have a solution in one of our activities in different countries.

Since we have to lament a construction delay, the opening of our clinic is not yet possible. We're already preparing another specific event in May 2013 under the title THINK - TANK BALEAR. We will be hence honored to inivite later again for the physical opening of our clinic.

Wir sind Gründungsmitglieder der NESA (New European Surgical Academy). Diese Organisation wurde 2004 in Berlin gegründet. Gründer und treibende Kraft ist unser Mitglied des Scientific Board, Prof. Michael Stark.
Aus Anlass der Fertigstellung unserer Klinik in Palma (Geniplet Palma, Reproductive Clinic) wurde Mallorca als Ort für den 5. Jahres- Kongress ausgewählt.
Vom 13. bis 15. August trafen sich ca 220 Teilnehmer aus der ganzen Welt, aus 26 Ländern,  sowie 14 eingeladene Referenten um die neuesten Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der Robotik, der Geburtshilfe, der operativen Gynäkologie und der Reproduktionsmedizin auszutauschen.
Die Veranstaltung wurde von der GENIPLET AG unterstützt. Die Kongressbeiträge werden wir im Geniplet - Blog veröffentlichen.

Unser Vortrag wird Grenzfälle des Kinderwunsches behandeln. Dies ist die Kernkompetenz von Geniplet: Für jedes denkbare Problem eine Lösung in einer der Aktivitäten in verschiedenen Ländern anbieten zu können.

Da wir eine Bauverzögerung zu beklagen haben wird die Eröffnung unserer Klinik nicht zum Zeitpunkt des Kongresses möglich sein. Wir planen deshalb eine weitere spezifische Veranstaltung im Mai 2013 unter dem Titel THINK - TANK BALEAR und werden entsprechend einladen.
